Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011

If i could give any gift in the world to someone, i would give my daddy the gift of health. The reason i would give this gift to him, is because right now in RL he is very ill. He has issues with his digestive system. It's something he has had to struggle with for a majority of his life. So, it is not new to him. But, the last time he got sick, he did not go to the doctor and had to admitted to the hospital with dehydration, and his organs were failing. My momma flew across the United States to take care of him. He had to have surgery, and was in Intensive Care on a respirator. Thankfully he only had to be on the respirator for one night. And, the last i heard, he is able to eat some foods. The doctors are very hopefully. I love my SL parents very much. I have never had a father, but this one, and i really hope he will be okay, and back to being able to do things for himself. And, i miss my parents very much. I suppose this gift wouldnt only be for my father, it would consequently be for my mother also. :D